Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Vacation message using procmail

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If you use procmail to filter messages, you can use it also to setup a vacation email response:
  1. Create a file called vacation.txt and fill it with your "vacation message".
  2. Create a file called vacation.rc fill it with the following commands (and don't forget to adjust the values for USER, DOMAIN, and PATHxxx to your needs):
:0 Whc: vacation.lock
* .*for <USER@DOMAIN>
| formail -rD 8192 vacation.cache
:0 ehc
| (formail -rA"Precedence: junk (autoreply)" \
-A"X-Loop: USER@DOMAIN" ; \
) | PATHTOSENDMAIL/sendmail -oi -t
  1. Find your .procmailrc file and add the following line after your filter commands (again adjust the PATH):
If you receive now an email at USER@DOMAIN and it is not filtered out by your spam filter, the vacation commands are activated. It checks if the email is for you, does not originate from a mailing list, and is not been processed before. It also creates a file called vacation.cache, where it stores the email addresses to which a vacation message has already been sent, in order to do not send such a message again (don't forget to delete it when you deactivate the vacation filter). At last it replies with the message stored in vacation.txt.
The "Precedence: junk (autoreply)" helps to avoid bouncing messages from other MTAs.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Wonders of Typo3

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A lot of people complain about Typo3. They say it is too heavy for a CMS. Perhaps they are right - it is not for script kiddies. It takes some time to get used to it. But it pays!

Today a customer complained, that one of his pages in Typo3 was missing completely. He was right, it was not there any more. What happened, was that one of his employees accidentally deleted the wrong page. No problem for Typo3.

Unfortunately there was no content versioning enabled, which made it a little bit more work:
- open the database
- find the page (write down the pid)
- change deleted from 1 to 0
- do the same for all content entries for that pid
- open the administrator of Typo3
- move the page to its correct location
- reposition the content inside the page
... done in 5 minutes

Monday, January 08, 2007

Howto shutdown Linux box automatically?

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Do it once:
e.g. shutdown your linux box at 7:30 January 10th:
at 7:30 jan 10
> shutdown -h now
... make sure the at daemon is running:
/etc/init.d/atd start or rcatd start for SuSE
... and check your at queue:
Do it regularly:
e.g. kill your computer every day at midnight (to make sure you get enough sleep):
crontab -e -u root
> 0 0 * * * /sbin/shutdown -h now
... save and exit ...

Typo3 Sitemap Hacks

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The creation of site maps in typo3 is pretty straight forward. You can either use the built-in site-map function or the extension fl_seo_sitemap. The later has the advantage to be adjustable using CSS.

Have a look at en example for a human readable site map.

For the automatic creation of a site map for google in XML format, there exists another nice extension mc_googlesitemap. It provides functions not only to create site maps for the pages inside the typo3 CMS but also for database content such as news items. At our system, the site maps for content items did not work at first. A look at the source code showed the problem. We did not have the news items assigned to a news category. After doing so the site map worked.

Here are examples for a google site map for pages, a google site map for content items, and finally a google site map which links the other two together.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

MediaWiki Hacks III

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To integrate RSS feeds there are a couple extensions for MediaWiki. The most up to date extension seems to be GISWiki/RSS which uses Magpie RSS as back end to fetch the RSS feeds.

To enable blogger atom feeds some tweaks are necessary to match the different formats:

Find the comment "# Bild items" and enter the following lines into the following foreach loop:
if (isset($item['atom_content'])) {
 $item['description'] =& $item['atom_content'];
 $item['date_timestamp'] = parse_w3cdtf($item['published']);
Above the "# Bild items" comment there is another foreach loop. Place the following lines inside that loop right after the if statement.
if (isset($item['atom_content']) && $item['atom_content']) {
 $description = true; break;
Because we did not want to show the complete description we added the following function to truncate the text:
function mTruncate($string, $length = 200, $etc = ' ...') {
 if ($length == 0) return '';
 $string = strip_tags($string);
 if (strlen($string) <= $length) return $string;       
 $length -= strlen($etc);       
 return substr(preg_replace('/\s+?(\S+)?$/', '',     
   substr($string, 0, $length+1)), 0, $length).$etc; 
To activate the truncate function we changed the following line
if ($text) $output.="\n$text";
if ($text) $output .= "\n" . mTruncate($text);
multilang breaks NOSECTIONEDIT magic word
To fix this we had to add the following line:
  $parser->mOptions->mEditSection = false; 

Thursday, January 04, 2007

vi - goto line n

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To go to a certain line in vi enter the line number and then G ...

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

MediaWiki Hacks

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New Start Page with $wgUseDatabaseMessages = true
Go to MediaWiki:Mainpage and enter your new star page.

New Start Page with $wgUseDatabaseMessages = false
Add the follwing code to your LocalSettings.php file:

if (empty($_GET['title'])) $_REQUEST['title'] = 'NewStartPage';

Multi-Language Extension for MediaWiki

Change Sidebar with $wgUseDatabaseMessages = true
Go to MediaWiki:Sidebar and enter your changes.

Change Sidebar with $wgUseDatabaseMessages = false
Add your changes in Messages.php and all MessagesXX.php you use.