Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Smart Passive Income #44 - iPhone Apps

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In his next blog entry Pat defines the business of iPhone Apps as passive income.

Let's see. Passive income means you create a product once setup a process to sell it automatically, and do not need to add further work to make money.

Once you have submitted an iPhone app to the app store, people find your app in the app store, buy it and download without further work on your end ... which basically means passive income.

As example Pat provides iFart - development costs minimal, revenue incredible! I agree the potential is enormous, which might be the reason the app store is full of sub-standard apps ... and this is the point where the passive is not so passive any more. How to you tell your potential customers that your app is available - the times where a iPhone user browsed through all new apps on a daily basis is long gone. A one-time marketing campaign for your app might boost your sales, but you will rapidly dwindle from the top-100 list ... which makes your app nearly invisible ...

If you have a unique idea for an app, go for it. As Pat points out, you do not need to be a developer yourself, you do not need to do everything yourself. If you need help, let me know ;)

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