Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Smart Passive Income #149 - Result of the Google Page Rank Experiment

This blog moved to a new location, please visit us at http://ramble.m2m.at.
Remember Pat started an experiment trying to rank on top places for a specific google search.
He succeeded within one week making place #1.

He started with a blog post where he put the key phrase, in the title, the URL, the meta description and the first sentence of the post. He made the keywords bold everywhere in the content of the post. He embedded a YouTube video with the same title, using the same key phrase as anchor text and an image with the same title.

The tweeted and linked the post on Facebook (using the same key phrase).

He added bookmarks on Digg, StumbleUpon, and Delicious (again using the same key phrase in title and description) and used a browser plugin (SocialMarker) for a number of other bookmarking sites. (He also used those bookmarks for the YouTube video).

He submitted the video to five other video websites (again including back links and keywords).

He added additional articles (with new content) on eHow, eZineArticles, GoArticles, ArticleAlley, Squidoo and Hubpages linking back to the original article in multiple ways.

... and became #1 ...

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