Monday, March 10, 2014

Digital Analytics Fundamentals #2/1 - The Importance of Digital Analytics

Unit 2/1 - The importance of digital analytics
Unit 2/1 - The importance of digital analytics
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The Google Analytics Academy starts a new course tomorrow (March 11th 2014) called "Google Analytics Platform Principles".  Though not required, it's recommended completing the "Digital Analytics Fundamentals" course on Analytics Academy before beginning this course.

The first part of the second lesson starts by defining "digital analytics":
Analyzing qualitative and quantitative data to continuously improve the online experience of your customers/users.
While the traditional marketing concept is represented as funnel with it's stages building awareness, acquiring interest, engagement, conversion, retainment, the customer/user is now in the center of everything.

Previously online tracking and analytics was only available for websites. Nowadays analytics include also mobile applications/devices, gaming consoles, and nearly every digitally connected device.

Depending on the business objectives there are different desired outcomes:
  • eCommerce sites are focused on product and service sales,
  • lead-generation sites want to collect user information for potential leads,
  • content publishers need to encourage engagement and revisits,
  • support sites have to provide information as quickly as possible,
  • and branding stresses awareness, engagement and loyalty.
The final outcome/goal represents the macro conversion. How close this goal is reached can be shown by micro conversions (the steps needed for the final goal).

To provide continual improvement, those conversions need to be measured, reported and analyzed continuously, to finally test possible adaptations and repeat the whole process ...

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